Do you need a degree to be a video game tester

Do you need a degree to be a video game tester

The Case Against Degrees

There are many reasons why people believe that a college degree is not necessary for video game testing. One reason is that there are many other ways to gain experience and skills that are relevant to the job. For example, playing games and analyzing them can help develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, while working with software and hardware can help develop technical skills. Additionally, some people believe that passion and enthusiasm for video games are more important than a degree in order to succeed in the field.

Another reason why people argue against degrees is that many video game testing jobs do not require a college degree. In fact, some of the most successful video game testers have no formal education at all. Instead, they have gained their skills through hands-on experience and practice, often working on their own projects or volunteering for game testing communities.

The Case for Degrees

Despite these arguments, there are also many reasons why people believe that a college degree is necessary in order to be a successful video game tester. One reason is that a college education can provide a strong foundation in the technical skills and knowledge that are needed for the job. For example, courses in computer science, programming, and mathematics can help students develop the skills they need to work with software and hardware, while courses in psychology and sociology can help them understand human behavior and how it relates to video game design.

Another reason why people believe that a college degree is necessary is that many employers expect one. In fact, some companies require a college degree as a minimum qualification for entry-level positions in the field. This can make it more difficult for those without degrees to find work and advance their careers.

Case Studies

There are many case studies that illustrate both the arguments for and against degrees in video game testing. For example, there are many successful testers who have no formal education at all, but have gained their skills through experience and practice. On the other hand, there are also many testers who hold college degrees in fields like computer science or engineering, which they believe have helped them develop the technical skills and knowledge they need for the job.

Personal Experiences

I personally believe that a college degree can be helpful in pursuing a career in video game testing, but it is not necessary. I started out in the field without a degree, working on my own projects and volunteering for game testing communities. However, as I gained more experience and skills, I realized that a college education could provide me with a stronger foundation in technical knowledge and help me advance my career.

I have also worked with many other testers who hold degrees in fields like computer science and engineering, and they have all told me that their degree has helped them develop the technical skills and knowledge they need for the job. However, I also know many successful testers who do not hold a college degree, and they have achieved success through experience and passion.


In conclusion, whether or not you need a college degree to be a video game tester depends on your individual goals and circumstances. If you are just starting out in the field, you may want to consider gaining some experience and skills through hands-on practice and experimentation.