The Last of Us is an award-winning video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment in 2013. The game tells the story of Joel, a former smuggler, and Ellie, a young girl, who set out on a journey across a post-apocalyptic world overrun by infected humans called “clickers.” As they travel together, they form an unlikely bond and face many challenges along the way.
One of the most memorable moments in the game is its shocking ending, which leaves players stunned and questioning what they thought they knew about the characters and their journey. In this article, we’ll explore how the Last of Us video game ended, including the events leading up to it and the aftermath that followed.
The Ending Explained
At the beginning of the game, Joel is tasked with smuggling a young girl named Ellie out of a quarantine zone and into the safety of a group known as the Fireflies. As they make their way through the city, they encounter various obstacles, including hostile clickers and other survivors.
As they near the Fireflies’ base, Joel becomes separated from Ellie and is captured by the group’s leader, Marlene Matlin. She reveals that Ellie was infected with a fungus called Cordyceps, which turns its victims into clickers. However, she has also discovered a cure for the disease, which can be used to save Ellie and others who have been infected.
Joel is faced with a difficult decision – to sacrifice himself and take the cure, or to let Ellie die so that he can live on and protect the Fireflies. In a heart-wrenching scene, Joel makes the decision to give up the cure and let Ellie die, believing that it’s the only way to ensure her safety.
The game then cuts to a montage of Ellie’s journey through the city, culminating in her arrival at the Fireflies’ base. She is greeted by the group’s leader, who reveals that she has been cured and is now ready to start a new life.
However, as Ellie settles into her new home, she begins to question the motives of the Fireflies. She discovers that they are not as benevolent as they seem, and that they have their own agenda. Eventually, Ellie decides to leave the Fireflies and set out on her own, determined to find a better future for herself and humanity.
The Reception
The ending of The Last of Us was met with mixed reactions from players and critics alike. Some praised the game’s emotional depth and the impact that the ending had on them, while others felt that it was too dark and depressing.
One of the most memorable moments in the game is when Joel sacrifices himself to save Ellie, an act that has been praised by many as one of the greatest video game moments of all time. However, some players felt that the ending was too tragic and left them feeling downcast about the state of humanity.
Despite the controversy surrounding the ending, The Last of Us remains a highly regarded game that has won numerous awards and accolades. It has inspired a sequel, The Last of Us Part II, which continues to explore the themes and characters from the original game.
The Last of Us video game ended with a powerful message about sacrifice and the importance of making difficult decisions in times of crisis. The game’s impact on players and the industry as a whole is undeniable, and it remains an important milestone in the history of video games.
In conclusion, the Last of Us video game ended with a shocking twist that left players questioning what they thought they knew about the characters and their journey. The game’s emotional depth and impact on players has made it one of the most memorable games in recent years, and its ending continues to be a subject of debate among gamers and critics alike.