How to cite a video game mla purdue owl

In today’s digital age, video games have become an integral part of our daily lives. Whether you are a student, a professional or just someone who enjoys playing them, understanding how to cite a video game in MLA Purdue Owl format is crucial for academic integrity and proper research. In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to cite a video game using the MLA Purdue Owl style guide.

What is MLA Purdue Owl?

MLA (Modern Language Association) is one of the most widely used citation styles in academic writing. It was developed by the Modern Language Association of America and is commonly used in humanities, social sciences and language arts disciplines.

Why cite video games?

Citing video games in academic writing is important for several reasons:

1. Credit the original creator: Just like any other piece of creative work, video games have creators who deserve credit for their hard work and creativity. Citing a video game gives credit to the original creators and shows that you have done your research and are not plagiarizing.

2. Provide context: Citing a video game helps provide context for your argument or point of view. It allows readers to understand why you are discussing a particular game and how it relates to your topic.

3. Demonstrate academic integrity: Proper citation of sources is a fundamental aspect of academic integrity. Citing a video game shows that you have taken the time to research and understand the subject matter, and that you are committed to presenting accurate and reliable information.

How to cite a video game in MLA Purdue Owl format

There are several different ways to cite a video game in MLA Purdue Owl format, depending on the type of game and the level of detail you want to include. Here are some general guidelines:

1. Basic citation

Author’s Last name, First name. “Title of Video Game.” Publisher, Year of Publication. Platform.

Example: Smith, John. Super Mario Bros. Nintendo, 1985. NES.

2. Citing a video game with multiple creators

If the video game has multiple creators, list their last names first, followed by their first names, separated by commas. Then, include the title of the game in italics and the publisher, year of publication, and platform.

Example: Smith, John, Jane Doe, and Michael Brown. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Nintendo, 2001. N64.

3. Citing a video game with no author listed

If there is no author listed for the video game, use the title of the game in italics followed by the publisher, year of publication, and platform.

Example: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Nintendo, 2001. N64.

4. Citing a video game with an edited version

If there is an edited version of the game, include the editor’s name after the title of the game in italics and then list the original publisher, year of publication, and platform.

Example: Super Mario Bros. (Edited by John Doe). Nintendo, 2001. N64.

How to cite a video game mla purdue owl

5. Citing a video game with multiple versions

If there are multiple versions of the game, list the title of the game in italics followed by the publisher, year of publication, and platform for each version.

Example: Super Mario Bros. (NES), Super Mario Bros.: The New Super Mario Bros., Super Mario World. Nintendo, 1985-1990. NES, SNES, GBA.


Citing a video game in MLA Purdue Owl format is an essential aspect of academic writing for game developers. By properly citing your sources, you demonstrate academic integrity, provide context for your argument, and give credit to the original creators. With these guidelines, you can easily incorporate citations for video games into your research papers and presentations. Remember to always double-check your work and use reliable resources to ensure that your citations are accurate and up-to-date.